Flex-sourcing, plug and play - create your own flexible team

Development Estimator

Tailored, integrated & quality assured

With an unlimited tech stack and totally flexible package structure, you can create your perfect team to fit your pre-existing team, product, budget and timeframe requirements - deazy peezy!

Choose from our flexible package options to form the structure for your chosen team:

A full-time team will help you get more done, quicker




A continuous team means ongoing work, whereas stop-start enables you to turn teams on and off in accordance with your sprints




The longer the project, the more of your roadmap will be covered




Key Benefits

development team

More than just devs - we bring the whole team. Pre-formed and co-located, including SCRUM Masters and QA

development flex-sourcing loop

Flex-sourcing gets you a team in weeks, with the option to scale resource and add skills throughout your project

development cost

Cheaper, faster and more reliable than full-time employees, freelancers and contractors

development team due diligence

Due diligence done - all our teams have been vetted and approved by us, and we only work with the best