Grow Your Agency On
The Deazy Platform

Vetted development teams
Negotiated nearshore rates
Endless capacity and tech specialisms
Simple management
Volume model available
Trusted by…
IPG Publicis Groupe The Drum Network

Struggling to

hire find onboard hire find onboard

great developers

flexibly quickly cost
flexibly quickly cost


How do I increase my development capacity without increasing overheads?
How do I free myself from expensive contractors?
How can I scale-up and down my development team quickly and flexibly?
How do I work more efficiently with offshore?
How can I resource projects more efficiently to increase my profit margin?

Solve these challenges with the Deazy platform

We empower agencies in the following ways:

High quality, cost effective development partners to deliver projects on demand

Our vetted teams cover a breadth of tech stacks and deliver high quality at low commercials. For our agency partners, this means they can kick off a diverse array of projects with confidence in days. With the agility to adapt to changing client requirements, they are well positioned for both client retention and growth in a challenging environment.

Build your agency on the Deazy platform to respond to briefs with confidence and unlimited delivery bandwidth

Using Deazy, our agency partners have stated how confident they now feel responding to briefs knowing they can scale up tech delivery as needed, whatever the platform, tech stack or timescales.

Providing team extensions to both agencies and their clients

We are able to provide developers flexibly, across tech stacks, from our nearshore teams. And since we carefully curate and vet them, our agencies have confidently placed them into their end clients on contracts to plug resource gaps.

agency team pink illustration

Ready to talk?


The 'Deazy Way' or the hard way?


Flexible resourcing

Onboard devs in days not months


All tech stacks covered

Scalable solution

Reliable devs

Low overheads

No language barriers

Pre-formed, co-located teams

Rigorous due diligence

Fast delivery

Low risk


Hiring a CTO /
new devs



Benefits to using Deazy for your agency

1. Client responsivity expand green icon collapse green icon

Our range of tech stacks and flexible servicing means you can retain clients as their product evolves or pivots or as their development requirements flex up or down.

For your clients this means you are always a step ahead and can respond to their ideas (or pitch your own) knowing we have your back. Run briefs by us for an early steer or estimate before your next client meeting..

2. Ensure high quality delivery expand green icon collapse green icon

Our vetting process ensures that you can enjoy all the benefits of offshoring without any concern for quality of delivery. We are regularly asked to arrange code tests for our teams before starting projects with a response from clients that it is as if one of their in-house developers had completed the task.

Wow your clients, deliver projects right first time and enjoy the client satisfaction and NPS scores which follow.

3. Increased profitability expand green icon collapse green icon

The ability to respond quickly and take on briefs you might have once turned away, whilst retaining clients longer through responsiveness and quality of delivery (minimising the lost hours of business development) should also increase profitability for your agency.

Finally, we now have a volume model available specific to each agency. Our rates continue to wow and increase your project profitability the more you use the Deazy platform to deliver development.

Case Study

Agency Impact Example

IPG Partner Logo

Working with an IPG agency, Deazy progressed from delivering an initial code review to concurrently delivering a range of projects across multiple tech stacks and platforms.

Partnering with Deazy has reduced the overhead associated with supporting and successfully delivering projects, which has, in turn enabled them to increase their margin on each project.

They have been able to consolidate their supplier and freelancer base from over 30 suppliers and freelancers to just a handful.

The one-to-many relationship with Deazy enables them to cover all their different potential project requirements - across different technology stacks and platforms - and start delivering a project within days of selling it.

Try us out

Deazy Tech Stacks

Native Mobile Apps
  • Apple (iOS) - Objective-C or Swift
  • Google (Android) - Java or Kotlin
Static Websites
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • .NET
  • Node
  • Java
  • PHP
CMS-able Website
  • WordPress
  • Umbraco
  • Sitecore
  • Wix
  • Shopify
  • Kentico
  • Drupal
  • Squarespace
Web Application
  • React
  • Vue.js
  • Angular
  • Django
  • C#
  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PHP
  • Oracle
  • Postgres
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
Cloud Services
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • GCP
  • Firebase
  • Mobile Apps
  • React Native
  • Xamarin
  • Flutter


FAQs - We’ve got the answers

What happens after the initial project delivery? expand blue icon collapse blue icon

Since we work with specific handpicked development teams on a very regular basis (rather than big development factories), we can ensure full continuity for your project after completing the initial build. This could look like a small retainer for bug fixes and maintenance whilst you discuss the next phase

How do you make your margin at Deazy? expand blue icon collapse blue icon

At Deazy we take a margin from our suppliers given the opportunities we curate for them. For you as an agency we offer you the same rate as you would approaching any of our individual suppliers directly (much like the mortgage broker model) whilst receiving all the benefits of our 1:Many approach with supplier teams to provide unlimited capacity, flexibility and technical coverage through the Deazy platform.

Can you work in development sprints and join our standups? expand blue icon collapse blue icon

Absolutely, we can work from defined specs in a waterfall model or an agile sprint basis with our development teams joining daily scrum meetings.

Should I just hire in-house developers? expand blue icon collapse blue icon

In-house developers are like the new bankers – they are in high demand and can charge (almost) what they want. In general, the total cost of hiring a full-time developer works out more expensive than hiring our development teams. Also, increasing headcount is risky, especially when you may not be continuously developing. Why not scale-up and down with us as it suits your needs? Our pay-as-you-go model provides flexibility to optimise development resourcing based on your roadmap so you only spend on the developer time you need, saving you money which you can spend on the rest of the business.

I’ve heard freelancers will solve all my problems? expand blue icon collapse blue icon

Existing platforms such as Upwork are filled with poor quality freelancers and ‘cowboy’ agencies who are un-vetted and often unreliable. Even high-quality, very reliable freelancers have a finite number of hours in the day so struggle to compete with a team. We only work with a small number of highly vetted, trusted teams. Plus, our teams come with processes and dedicated resources for project management, QA and DevOps… good luck getting a freelancer to do all that!

How do you guarantee the quality of your teams? expand blue icon collapse blue icon

Our team reviews the code, technical approach and architecture of the development teams that join our platform. We check past client reviews to verify and validate them, and analyse their previous projects to determine their suitability for each client brief. Plus, we only work with teams where we have an open, honest and friendly relationship – we would never suggest someone we wouldn’t personally work with…would you?

What development teams do you work with? expand blue icon collapse blue icon

Well, to put it simply – we’re not telling! However, we believe very strongly that good communication is one of the key factors for a successful project. You will always be working with one of our product managers who speak your language fluently (not just JavaScript!), and our teams are all based in Europe.

Cue team Deazy... we exist to make the hard (d)easy!

no freelancers ir 35 friendly path arrow
dependable devs

Dependable devs

We pull together the perfect balance of skill sets in just the right quantities

‘A’ team

The ‘A’ team recipe

More than just devs, our roster of development teams are all pre-approved and vetted

cost effective

Cost effective

No overheads, you only pay for what you need and at great rates too

product manager

Deazily managed

One platform and a Deazy account manager for all your projects.

Trusted by…
IPG Publicis Groupe The Drum Network