Covid-19 Impact - A Survey of UK Agencies

The nation’s agency owners and senior managers have experienced what can only be described as unprecedented impact to their businesses over the last six weeks. Covid-19 has left behind it a trail of destruction that few can begin to comprehend right now.

It’s been a crisis that Team Deazy have experienced first-hand, as design and development partner to many of the very best agencies in the UK and we wanted to find some way to help.

The first step of that has been to create a platform for knowledge sharing in the form of the largest ever survey of impacted senior agency figures.

The survey features answers from just over 200 senior decision makers across digital, creative, marketing and advertising agencies of all sizes.

In it, amongst other things you’ll be able to learn:

  • How your peers are making remote working ‘work’
  • The tech stacks they are using to keep the communication and productivity wheels turning.
  • How clients have been behaving in spend terms – and how some have managed to shore up revenues as a result.
  • What level of revenue impact your peers have experienced – and how they feel about the future now.

We’ve compiled the results into an easy-to-digest free eBook, featuring extra analysis and opinion too.